Literature Relevant to the World Tensions Project

List of Studies Related to the Tensions Project 2.0

October 23, 2018

Adler, D. L. (1955). Social structure and personality in a city and Social structure and personality in a rural community. Psychological Bulletin, 52(5), 468-469. doi:10.1037/h0038918

Albritton, J. B. M. a. R. B. (1984). Changing national images: International public relations and media agenda setting. The American Political Science Review, 78(3), 641-657.

Alexander, S. (1951). The European image of Americans. The American Scholar, 21(1), 49-55.

Alvarez, M. D., & Campo, S. (2014). The influence of political conflicts on country image and intention to visit: A study of Israel’s image. Tourism Management, 40, 70-78.

Barghoorn, F. C. (1954). The Soviet image of the United States: A deliberately distorted image. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 295(1), 42-51.

Beadle, M. (2003). The influence of television and media use on Argentines about perceptions of the United States. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 57-76). New York, NY: Routledge.

Bie, P. D. (1954). Certain Psychological Aspects of Benelux. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 540-552). Paris: Unesco.

Bjerstedt, Å. (1960). ” Ego-involved world-mindedness,” nationality images, and methods of research: A methodological note.  Journal of Conflict Resolution, 4(2), 185-192.

Boulding, K. E. (1959). National images and international systems. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 3(2), 120-131.

Bowe, J., Lockshin, L., Lee, R., & Rungie, C. (2013). Old dogs, new tricks–rethinking country‐image studies. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 12(6), 460-471. doi: 10.1002/cb.1443

Buchanan, W. (1954). Stereotypes and Tensions as Revealed by the Unesco International Poll. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 515-529). Paris: Unesco.

Buchanan, W., & Cantril, H. (1973). How nations see each other: A study in public opinion. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

Buhmann, A., & Ingenhoff, D. (2014). The 4D model of the country image: An integrative approach from the perspective of communication management. International Communication Gazette, 77 (1), 102-124. doi: 10.1177/1748048514556986

Cantril, H. (1982). Tensions that cause wars. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International.

Cressey, P. (1952). The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 281, 245-246. Retrieved from

Curti, M., & Birr, K. (1950). The immigrant and the America n image in Europe, 1860-1914. The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 37 (2), 203-230.

Davis, L. L. (2003). Cultural proximity on the air in Ecuador: National, regional television outperforms imported U.S. programming. In M. G.

De Sola Pool, I., & Prasad, K. (1958). Indian student images of foreign people. Public Opinion Quarterly, 22(3), 292-304.

Den Hollander, A. N. J. (1949). A preliminary inquiry into“group images.” American Quarterly, 1(4), 361-375.

Elasmar (Ed.) The Impact of International Television: A Paradigm Shift (pp. 111-132). NewYork, NY: Routledge.

Elasmar, M. G. (2003). An alternative paradigm for conceptualizing and labeling the process of influence of imported television programs. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 157-180). NewYork, NY: Routledge.

Elasmar, M. G. (2008). Through their eyes: Factors affecting Muslim support for the U.S.-led war on terror. Spokane, WA: Marquette Books.

Elasmar, M. G. (2017). Cross-border mediated messages. In L . Chen (Ed.), Intercultural Communication (pp. 503-528). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

Elasmar, M. G. & Bennett, K. (2003). The cultural imperialism paradigm revisited: Origin and evolution. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 1-16). New York, NY: Routledge.

Elasmar, M. G. & Groshek, J. (2017). A historical overview and future directions in the conceptualization of country images. In J. A. Fuller ton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 27-38). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Elasmar, M. G., & Hunter, J. E. (2003). A meta-analysis of crossborder effect studies. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 133-156). New York, NY: Routledge.

Fullerton, J. A., & Kendrick, A. (2017). The model of country concept explained. In J.A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 7-26). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Fullerton, J. A., Kendrick, A., & Rodak, M. (2017). A propaganda analysis of the brand USA tourism campaign: Government-sponsored advertising to international travelers. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 241-268). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Fung, Timothy KF, Yan, Wenjie and Akin, Heather. In the Eye of the Beholder: How News Media Exposure and Audience Schema Affect the Image of the United States Among the Chinese Public. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 30(3), 443-472.

Gadoffre, G. (1954). French National Images and the Problem of National Stereotypes. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 579-587). Paris: Unesco.

Graham, M. D. (1954). An Experiment in International Attitudes Research. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 529-539). Paris: Unesco.

Groshek, J., Guo, L., Cutino, C. & Elasmar, M. G. (2017). A sample methodology for extracting and interpreting country concept from social media users and content. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 77-94). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Hackett, R. A. (1989). Coups, earthquakes and hostages? Foreign news on Canadian television. Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique, 22(4), 809-826.

Hasnat, I. & Steyn, E. (2017). From “bottomless basket” to “beautiful Bangladesh” nation branding through tourism and public diplomacy In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp.149-168). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Herstein, R. (2012). Thin line between country, city, and region branding. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 18(2), 147-155. doi: 10.1177/1356766711435976

Humphrey, N. D. (1954). The Mexican image of Americans. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 295(1), 116-125.

Hynes, N., Caemmerer, B., Martin, E., & Masters, E. (2014). Use, abuse or contribute!: A framework for classifying how companies engage with country image. International Marketing Review, 31(1), 79-97. doi: 10.1108/imr-12-2012-0206

James, H. E., & Tenen, C. (1954). Attitudes Towards Other Peoples. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 553-561). Paris: Unesco.

James, H. E., & Tenen, C. (1953). Attitudes Towards Other Peoples. In The teacher was black.

Johansson, J. K., Ronkainen, I. A., & Czinkota, M. R. (1994). Negative country-of-origin effects: The case of the new Russia. Journal of International Business Studies, 25(1), 157-176.

Kenzhalina, G. (2014). The role of diplomacy in promoting Kazakhstan’s country image in the international arena. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 140, 650-653.

Kiambi, D. (2017). The role of familiarity in shaping country reputation. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp.57-76). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Klineberg, O. (1950). Tensions affecting international understanding: A survey of research. New York: Social Science Research Council.

Klineberg, O. (1954). The Scientific Study of National Stereotypes. In International social science bulletin (Vol. III, pp. 505-515). Paris: Unesco.

Labarca, C. (2017). Trust in nation branding and public diplomacy: Beyond reputation and image. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion(pp. 39-56). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Lee, B., Ham, S., & Kim, D. (2015). The effects of likability of Korean celebrities, dramas, and music on preferences for Korean restaurants: A mediating effect of a country image of Korea. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 200-212. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2014.05.012

Lee, S., Rodriguez, L., & Sar, S. (2012). the influence of logo design on country image and willingness to visit: A study of country logos for tourism. Public Relations Review, 38 (4), 584-591. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2012.06.006

Liu, F. Murphy, J. & Li, J. (2017). Country of origin, country image, and wine. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 133-148). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Long, L. M. K. (1958). An image of America. The Journal of Higher Education, 29(1), 31-37+58.

Lopez, C., Gotsi, M., & Andriopoulos, C. (2011). Conceptualising the influence of corporate image on country image. European Journal of Marketing, 45 (11/12), 1601-1641. doi: 10.1108/03090561111167315

MacKeon, R. (1969). Democracy in a world of tensions: A symposium prep. byUNESCO. New York: Greenwood Pr.

Maciver, R. (1945). The power of group images. The American Scholar, 14 (2), 220-224.

Martin, I. M., & Eroglu, S. (1993). Measuring a multi-dimensional construct: Country image. Journal of Business Research, 28 (3), 191-210.

McCreary, J. R. (1952). The modification of international attitudes: A New Zealand study. Wellington, N.Z.: Dept. of Psychology, Victoria University College.

McNelly, J. T., & Izcaray, F. (1986). International news exposure and images of nations. Journalism Quarterly, 63(3), 546-553.

Murphy, G. (1953). In the minds of men: The study of human behavior and social tensions in India. New York: Basic Books.

Payne, D. E. (2003). Impacts of cross-cultural mass media in Iceland, Northern Minnesota, and Francophone Canada in retrospect. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 17-28). New York, NY: Routledge.

Perry, D. K. (1987). The mass media and audience generalization about groups of foreign countries. World Communication, 16(2), 101-120.

Peterson, R. A., & Jolibert, A. J. (1995). A meta-analysis of country-of-origin effects. Journal of International Business Studies, 26(4), 883-900.

Phau, I., & Prendergast, G. (1998). Tracing the evolution of country of origin research in search of new frontiers. In Australia and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, 98, 1977-1991.

Piaget, J., & Well, A. M. (1954). The Development in Children of the Idea of the Homeland and of Relations with other Countries. In International social science bulletin (Vol. Ill, pp. 561-578). Paris: Unesco.

Rasmussen, R. K., & Merkelsen, H. (2012). The new PR of states: How nation branding practices affect the security function of public diplomacy. Public Relations Review, 38(5), 810-818. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2012.06.007

Reigrotski, E., & Anderson, N. (1959). National stereotypes and foreign contacts. Public Opinion Quarterly, 23(4), 515-528.

Rodak, M. (2017). Impact and evaluation of international exchange programs as tools of relational diplomacy. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp. 169-200). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Saum, J. A. (1951). Unesco’s Tension Project. The Phi Delta Kappan, 32(5), 194-196.

Schlutz, Daniela. (2012). Cross-border media effects. The ‘susceptibility to imported media (SIM) model and US-American TV series .  Medien & Medienkommunikationswissenschaft, 60, 183-201.

Schmitt, C., & Soderlund, W. C. (1982). Television and newspaper coverage of Latin American and Caribbean news: A Canadian-American comparison. North-South Canadian Journal of Latin American Studies, 7(13), 57-74.

Scott, F. D. (1954). The Swedish students’ image of the United States. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 295 (1), 136-145.

Sewell, W. H., Morris, R. T., & Davidsen, O. M. (1954). Scandinavian students’ images of the United States: A study in cross-cultural education. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 295(1), 126-135.

Stoetzel, J. (1954). Jeunesse sans chrysanthème ni sabre: Étude sur les attitudes de la jeunesse japonaise daprès guerre. Paris: Plon.

Stokburger-Sauer, N. E. (2011). The relevance of visitors’ nation brand embeddedness and personality congruence for nation brand identification, visit intentions and advocacy. Tourism Management, 32  (6), 1282-1289. doi: 10.1016/j.tourman.2010.12.004

Straubhaar, J. (2003). Choosing national TV: Cultural capital, language, and cultural proximity in Brazil. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 77-110). New York, NY: Routledge.

Tan, A. S., Tan, G., & Gibson, T. (2003). Socialization effects of American television on international audiences. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 29-38). New York, NY: Routledge.

Verlegh, P. W., & Steenkamp, J. B. E. (1999). A review and meta-analysis of country-of-origin research. Journal of Economic Psychology, 20 (5), 521-546.

Yang, F. & Vanden Bergh, B. (2017). Movies’ influence on country concept. In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp.113-132). New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Zaharopoulos, T. (1989). The image of the US in the Greek press. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 66 (1), 188-192.

Zaharopoulos, T. (2003). Perceived foreign influence and television viewing in Greece. In M. G. Elasmar (Ed.) The impact of international television: A paradigm shift (pp. 39-56). New York, NY: Routledge.

Zatepilina-Monacell, O., Yang, H., &Wang, Y. (2017). Factors shaping U.S. college students’ concept of China and willingness to study in China In J. A. Fullerton and A. Kendrick (Eds.), Shaping International Public Opinion (pp.201-220). New York, NY: Peter Lang.